Our Foundation

Like to help make a difference in the lives of others? Or contribute to the future generations of Beaconhills students? The Beacon of Hope Foundation honours the vision and service of our founders and the spirit of giving which defines our school. We welcome your donation.

Supporting those in need

Supporting those in need has always been part of the true spirit of Beaconhills College. Your contribution to the Foundation is the ultimate ‘gift of opportunity’.  It will help make a real difference to the lives of those less fortunate and ensure that students today – and in future years – can access the benefits of a Beaconhills College education. 

The Beacon of Hope Foundation encompasses the College’s many giving and service programs, locally and abroad.

You will find all the details on how to donate on the form at the bottom of this page.

We thank you for your donation, which will be gratefully received by those who need it most. For more details, email Foundation@beaconhills.vic.edu.au

Three Foundation funds

  1. Community Relief Fund

    • Supports our Beacon of Hope local, national and international service program initiatives.

    • The Community Relief Fund is a gift recipient fund and not tax-deductible.

    • Volunteering personal or professional time is also welcomed, as part of the College philosophy of citizenship and service. More details are on our alumni page.


  2. Scholarships and bursaries (CESF)

    • The Community Education Support Fund (CESF) financially supports families in need or those who are unable to access a Beaconhills education. 

    • Recipients of the CESF are determined via an application process. The fund was established for the charitable purposes of advancing education.

    • Donations to this fund are tax-deductible.


  3. Building Fund

    • The Beacon of Hope Building Fund accepts tax deductible donations or gifts from the community to support our students’ holistic education.

    • Donations are used to enhance or upgrade the College’s buildings and capital works. 

Donate here

The Beacon of Hope Foundation Board

The Beacon of Hope Foundation was established in 2020 with the aim of making a difference in the lives of others. This is achieved by advancing education through scholarships and bursaries, capital developments and meeting the needs of our community; locally, nationally, and internationally. It has three funds, each with a specific purpose. The Foundation is run by a Board of Directors.

Kimberley Flanagan is Chair, David Moseley and Stephen McGinley are Directors. David Young is Secretary. Revd Matt Sheffer is a Board Advisor.

Kimberley Flanagan Board Member

Kimberley Flanagan

Beacon of Hope Foundation Chair

The Beacon of Hope Foundation supports Beaconhills College to further its commitment to service in the community by raising awareness and funds for those in need, locally and internationally. 

The Foundation seeks to create and build a kaleidoscope of pathways that enable our students to act, connect and engage, recognising and equally valuing their contribution through ‘time, talent or treasure’.

Whichever way our students wish to contribute, our purpose is to help them, help others.


Sarah Dyce

Head of Citizenship and Service

The Beacon of Hope Foundation Fund delivers an incredible level of support to local, national and international communities – more vital than ever during these challenging times.

The ability to identify and respond to community needs means we are making a genuine difference to the lives of others, in turn inspiring growing engagement from our own community in Citizenship and Service programs.

Whether giving or receiving, providing opportunities for others is the core purpose of our programs now and into the future.

Beacon of Hope


Click below to read more about The Beacon of Hope Foundation.