
Students are actively supported to build a healthy body, mind and strong sense of sense of personal wellbeing.


Your child’s wellbeing is important to us. We know that students with a strong sense of wellbeing are best equipped to realise their potential.

Our Wellbeing Plan

The three College values of Respect, Compassion and Integrity form the foundation of our Wellbeing Plan. The plan focuses on six areas to build a holistic sense of health and wellness; strengthening physical health, nurturing mental health, building resilience, growing connectedness, supporting safety and diversity and protecting the environment.

Support when it is needed

There are times when students need extra support and our wellbeing team is equipped to help.  Heads of House, tutors, learning mentors and Junior School classroom teachers are all trained to understand student wellbeing needs. They are supported by counsellors, therapy dogs, nurses, Individual Programs staff and chaplains to ensure that help is always on hand.


Parent support

We recognise that parents play the primary role in supporting the wellbeing of their children.  We aim to communicate openly, be accessible and give parents the most relevant resources and support.

The House system

The Beaconhills House system is a central point of connection between students and their College.  There are eight Houses, each named after one of our College founders and every student belongs to a House. 


The Houses help make a large school feel smaller.  They enable students to connect with students from different year levels during House sessions, events and activities.  Each student is known, and develops a strong sense of belonging in their House.